Description: Acidophilus is a beneficial bacteria that synthesize nutrients in the intestinal tract, counteract pathogenic micro-organisms and maintain healthy intestinal environment. Acidophilus may also be used for digestive maintenance and flora restoration after long courses of antibiotics.
Manufacturers Comments: Natren Mega Dophilus. Most specific for the small intestine. Trenev Process - Added benefits from natural Supernatant (culturing medium) are maintained by Natrens proprietary "Trenev Process" . All Natrens products are non-centrifuged! Potency and Purity: 2 billion viable L. Acidophilus per gram (approx. 1/2 tsp.), guaranteed through expiration date. If kept refrigerated and dry at all times. Serving per bottle 1/2 tsp.=85. Potency guaranteed 100%. The Healthy Trinity consists of Megadophilus Bifido Factor and Digesta Lac. Call us: 1-800-992-3323
Directions: 1/2 level teaspoon daily preferably on an empty stomach. For best results take Natrens Healthy Trinity daily.
Ingredients: Culture base of Certified Organically Grown Garbanzo Bean (chick-pea) Extract, Dehydrated Potato Powder (moisture scavenger), Natural Cellulose Powder and Viable LAcidophilus, Adhesion NAS Super Strain