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Product Organic Collagen & Liver 300/300 mg
Brand Name Organic Collagen Australia
Item # OCA00202
Size 120 Caps
Regular Price$40.00
Our Price $30.00
Long Description
Organic Collagen & Liver, 120 capsules


Organic Collagen Australia’s Collagen and Liver capsules contain a mix of the world’s only Organic hydrolysed collagen and liver derived from Australian, pasture-raised, and grass-fed Certified Organic cattle. The capsules combine the pure protein of the hydrolysed collagen with the densely packed nutrition of the liver into a potent, natural superfood.

Collagen studies suggest improvements to hair, nails and, skin tone, texture & elasticity resulting in the reduction of fine lines and a more youthful complexion. Collagen is also known to provide potent regenerative effects on muscles, ligaments, bones, joints, and the gut.

Combine this with our 100% organic bovine liver and you have a power-packed, highly bioavailable, all-natural superfood - rich in Vitamin A & B12 to boost your immune system and support your daily energy demands to help you perform stronger for longer.

Directions: Adults take 4 capsules per day.
Each bottle provides a one-month supply based on this suggested dosage.
Our studies show that 8-12 weeks is the typical timeframe to start seeing visible benefits of our wholefood supplements containing Organic hydrolysed collagen.

Ingredients: Each capsule contains:
Organic, hydrolysed collagen 300mg
Organic bovine liver 300mg
Gelatin capsule Total 600mg

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