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Product Selenium 100 mcg
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100 Tabs
200 Tabs
Brand Name Advanced Research NCI (Dr. Hans Nieper)
Item # NCI34113
Size 200 Tabs
Regular Price$16.20
Our Price $10.95
Long Description
A Swedish scientist Jons J. Berzelius discovered selenium in 1817, but selenium was not recognized as an essential nutrient until 1957. Selenium is an essential trace mineral, which has several important biochemical roles in the body. Selenium’s chemical, physical and biological characteristics are similar to the element sulfur. Selenium is required for the proper activity of certain proteins and antioxidant enzymes and is absolutely needed for the production of the amino acid selenocysteine. Because the body cannot manufacture selenium, it must be acquired from dietary sources. Selenium has numerous biological roles in the body. It functions synergistically with dietary antioxidants particularly vitamin E. Selenium also works synergistically with other minerals particularly zinc. Selenium and zinc have important roles in protecting the body against heavy metal toxicity from mercury, cadmium, lead and arsenic.

Ingredients: 1 Tablet supplies:
Selenium (as Selenium Aminoate) 50 mg 182%
(100 mcg elemental selenium)
Magnesium (as Magnesium Carbonate) 110 mg 7%
(27.5 mg elemental magnesium)

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