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Product Magnesium Chloride
Brand Name Alta Health Products
Item # 013002
Size 100 Tabs
Regular Price$18.49
Our Price $12.71
Long Description
This simple form of magnesium is readily absorbed into the system. Magnesium is an essential nutrient that is the second most plentiful mineral within our cells (potassium being the most plentiful).

Directions: As a dietary supplement take 1 to 3 capsules daily.

Ingredients: Each Tablet Contains:
Magnesium Chloride 520 mg. and Elemental Net Magnesium 62.17 mg.
Manufactured with all natural fillers, binders, coatings and excipients including: silicon dioxide, dicalcium phosphate, stearic acid, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, starch.
Free From: Sugar, salt, yeast, wheat, soy, dairy products, colorings, flavorings, or preservatives. No GMO. Gluten Free.

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