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Product Collagen Peptides Type I, II & III (+ Astaxanthin)
Brand Name Irwin Naturals
Item # IRW40591
Size 60 Softgels
Regular Price$37.32
Our Price $27.99
Long Description
Formulated to enhance your “Beauty from Within,” this product provides 3 support systems to boost the health and appearance of your skin.*

SYSTEM 1: Beauty Building Blocks

  • Collagen Peptides - Type I, II, and III hydrolyzed collagen peptides support the regular maintenance of the skin’s collagen framework.* SYSTEM 2: Pro-Dermal Activation
  • ACTIValoe® Aloe Vera Extract - preliminary research demonstrates that oral consumption of Aloe Vera Gel increases endogenous production of Type I collagen in the dermal layers of the skin.*
  • Vitamin C, Zinc and Selenium are important cofactors in collagen biosynthetic pathways. *

    SYSTEM 3: Antioxidant Protection

  • Astaxanthin - possesses strong antioxidant activity of up to 6,000X that of Vitamin C and may be effective at improving skin health and appearance by reducing fine lines and wrinkles and improving skin elasticity.*
  • Reduced L-Glutathione and Vitamin A are potent antioxidant compounds that may help to protect the health of your skin.*
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