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Product Parasite Cleanse Kit (Cloves, Wormwood & Black Walnut Tinc)
Brand Name Dr. Clark Store
Item # DRC33050
Size 3 Pieces
Regular Price$67.99
Our Price $50.99
Long Description
  • 18-day starter kit
  • Potent systemic protocol*
  • No change to your diet necessary
  • Suitable for the whole family, including pets*

    Detailed instructions are included with purchase. You can also view them here.

    This systemic protocol supports the body’s defenses with natural compounds that discourage the proliferation of harmful organisms. Because microscopic troublemakers can be transmitted by animals and unclean food and water sources, this protocol is ideal for pet owners and people traveling abroad.*

    The 18-day protocol does not require a change in diet. And it can be modified to administer to pets and children, under adult supervision.

    The uniqueness of the protocol lies in the green color of the Black Walnut Hull Tincture. Black Walnut Hull tinctures have been favored for their ability to discourage the activity of harmful organisms. But not just any tincture will do. Dr. Hulda Clark knew the importance of tincture potency. That’s why she insisted on using GREEN Black Walnut Hull tincture.*

    The green color comes from using only the young, green hulls from black walnut trees. The immature hulls have a higher juglone concentration than mature brown hulls. Juglone, the active compound from the hull, is the essence of any walnut hull tincture, making GREEN tinctures more potent and more effective than brown or black tinctures due to higher juglone content.*

    When black walnut hull is combined with cloves and wormwood, these herbs are a formidable weapon against harmful organisms.*

    To get the most out of this protocol, consider the one time a week Maintenance Program after completing the initial 18-day program (refer to the directions that come with this kit).

    An important note about sleep during the protocol: During the die-off process ammonia levels can rise and keep you up at night. The amino acid Ornithine helps your body neutralize the effect of ammonia. For this reason, you may want to consider purchasing ornithine with this kit.

    If you have questions about this protocol, please take a look at our in-depth Frequently Asked Questions.

    Kit includes 3 items
    Green Black Walnut Hull Tincture, 2 fl oz (water, grain alcohol, green black walnut hull)
    Cloves, 500 mg 100 capsules (freshly ground cloves, gelatin (bovine) capsule) >BSuper W Blend, 330 mg 100 capsules (wormwood, quassia, gelatin (bovine) capsule)

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