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Product Imperial Organic Pu-Erh Tea
Brand Name Uncle Lee's Tea
Item # UL0054
Size 18 Bags
Regular Price$5.76
Our Price $4.65
Long Description
Introducing our new line of teas - Imperial Organic. What does imperial mean? It means royal quality of organic degree in teas available today. Pu-Erh is a tea that undergoes a period of aging. It is the most complex of Chinese teas. Traditionally all teas were fermented in the manner due to long travel times when they were being exported. In ancient times of China, round sized cakes of these teas were used as currency because of its value. When brewed, Pu-Erh tea has a dark reddish color with a strong, full and earthy taste. Some scientific studies have suggested the possibilty that Pu-Erh tea reduces cholesterol and blood fats. Certified organic and kosher, every batch is carefully hand inspected to ensure goodness and purity. Taste the Uncle Lee's difference!

Directions: Brewing Instructions: Place tea bag into an 8oz. cup. Steep for 3 to 6 minutes in hot water at 80C or 170F. Add sweetener if desired.

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