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Product CLA 1000 mg (Black Label)
Other Sizes
210 Softgels
90 Softgels
Brand Name Olympian Labs
Item # OY0042
Size 210 Softgels
Regular Price$62.99
Our Price $42.00
Long Description
Olympian Labs CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) is a targeted solution to reduce body fat and increase lean muscle mass. This product helps maximize your fitness efforts to help you get the muscle tone you are looking for.

CLA, when used in conjunction with a regimented plan of diet and exercise, helps to increases lean muscle mass with a dose of 1.5-3 grams per day. With an improved body composition, abdominal fat will naturally decrease. Research suggests that it will also support your smaller fat cells from getting big.

Olympian Labs CLA works by pushing blood glucose into muscle and connective tissue cells instead of letting it turn into body fat.

CLA can also be combined with additional weight management products. If you are looking for help with stress-related eating, we recommend pairing this product with Olympian Labs Corti-Cut.

Olympian Labs CLA Benefits Include:

  • Helps Reduce Body Fat*
  • Supports Lean Muscle Mass*
  • Helps Improve Body Composition*

    Directions: As a dietary supplement, take three (3) softgels daily, or as directed by a healthcare professional.

    Ingredients: 3 Softgels supply:
    Calories 30
    Calories from Fat 27
    Total Fat 3 g (3,000 mg) 5%
    Safflower/Sunflower Oil Concentrate 3 g (3,000 mg)
    C18:2 Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)‡ >80%
    18:1 Oleic Acid‡ 10-15%
    16:0 Palmitic Acid‡ 5-10%
    18:0 Stearic Acid‡ 0.5-4%
    18:3 Linoleic Acid‡ 0.5-4%

    Other Ingredients: Gelatin, glycerin, water, caramel and carob.

    Gluten Free
    Allergen Free

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